Seattle Appliance Repair works on all brands and models of air conditionings such as Bryant, Lennox, Puron , Caloric, Trane, Ruud, Carrier and many more. View the full list:
If when you turn your air conditioner on, it sputters for a few seconds and then stops, you smell air odor or you have any other issues with it, simply call our toll free number and we will take care of your problem. We are available 24/7 for your Seattle air conditioning repair at:

For parts only: 800-370-9281
Please note that all purchased air conditioning parts are shipped directly to you.
Our air conditioning repair area includes all of Seattle and the surrounding cities that are listed below:
Seattle Fairwood Forest Park Fort Lawton Greenwood |
Redondo Beach Renton Richmond Beach Richmond Highlands Riverton |
Medina Mercer Island Mill Creek Monroe view the rest service areas |
The information below is designed to provide how to increase the life of your air conditioning and use it in the most efficient way, so that will save you money. It is posted with the understanding that we are not offering advice that you do it yourself. If expert assistance is required, the services of competent professionals are available 24/7 at our toll free phone number.
800 465 0697
Air-conditioning capacity used to be described in tons. This method, which goes back to Gorrie’s day, refers not to the weight of the unit, but to its cooling capacity compared with the amount of cooling provided by melting a ton of ice in 24 hours. Today, heat-removing capacity is usually measured in B.T.U.s per hour the same units that gauge a heating system’s ability to produce heat.
If you think your room air conditioner may be too small, or large, you can figure what ca¬pacity you need with the Cooling Load Estimate Form, available from the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606.
Even if you install a air conditioning that matches your needs, you can still lighten its load and shrink your electric bill. Exhaust fans, installed in kitchen, bathroom, laundry and attic, can help conserve electricity. They remove heat and humidity at points of highest accumulation.
You should also:
Clean or replace your air conditioning filters monthly, since dirt reduces the efficiency of cooling fins and coils.
Make sure air flow is unobstructed inside and outside. Drapes and furniture can deflect cold air back into the air conditioning, causing air conditioner to shut off without cooling the room adequately.
Turn off unneeded lights. Ninety per cent of the power that is used by incandescent lamps turns into heat.
Leave storm windows on during the cooling season. They can cut your cooling load by as much as 20 per cent.
Install awnings on the sunny side of the house, and draw blinds to block outdoor heat.
Set the air conditioning thermostat to cool less. Changing the air conditioning setting five degrees can save as much as 15 per cent of cooling costs.
Another way to cut electricity use is to have an efficient air conditioning unit. An air conditioner’s efficiency is judged by its Energy Efficiency Rating, or E.E.R. the number of B.T.U.s produced per watt. If a unit’s E.E.R. is not marked on the nameplate (usually found behind the front panel), divide the B.T.U. rating by the wattage. The higher the number, the better the unit’s E.E.R. A 6,000-B.T.U. unit requiring 600 watts has an E.E.R. of 10, a high efficiency level. At 1,200 watts, its E.E.R. is 5, a poor rating. (It makes sense to compare E.E.R.s only for units with the same capacity.) More efficient units need more efficient compressors and larger motors and coils, which cost more initially, but save electricity and money in the long run.
If expert assistance is required, the services of competent professionals are available 24/7